Tuesday, July 31, 2007

OCTA Bus Spotting with Donna Mac Kay

We finally got some real photos of the bus!
Donna (who wrote the Rangefinder article) came for a visit last week and we were lucky to spot the bus on Laguna Canyon Road. We were like two mad women chasing the bus down El Toro Road, illegal u turn, cutting off cars, shouting out the window, stopping at the bus stops and jumping in front of it for photos. People must have thought we were insane :) It was quite the adventure! I have become obessessed with trying to get a glimpse of it, as it is quite hard to know when and where it will show up. It seems like it is totally random. I even got the bus schedule and waited at the bus stop in Laguna on Sunday and never got to see it. I wonder if it is only one bus that has the wrap. I will never casually let a bus go by me again, its an automatic reaction to turn my head everytime I hear one on the street.

This is jeweler Greg Thorne and his gal, he is on the back of the bus...

This is me with sculptor Michelle Taylor who is also on the back, and painter Anne Liv Scott, who is on the side of the bus

Painter Kaitlin Evans is obviously surprised at the size of her photo on the side of the bus!

Thanks for coming down Donna, it was such a fun day!